Ruthie Tucker – 2014-12-04 20:12:39

AMSTERDAM WHITNEYnInternational Fine Art, Inc.n511 West 25th Street, ChelseanNew York, NY 10001nPhone: 212-255-9050 Fax: 212-255-9020nwww.AmsterdamWhitneyGallery.comnAmsterdamWhitney@aol.comn nDecember 4, 2014nnDear Terry Admans,nnAMSTERDAM WHITNEY GALLERY, a premier, museum-forum gallery, also known as “the most beautiful gallery in Chelsea, NYC” – the unrivaled international art center of the world – would like to invite you to submit your Portfolio for Curatorial Review with a long-term prospective of Gallery Representation. Please note that AMSTERDAM WHITNEY GALLERY bears the name of my Husband’s distinguished family and represents the standard of excellence that his well known New York City family name offers.n nWe invite you to submit an ELECTRONIC PORTFOLIO to Amsterdam Whitney Gallery’s Curatorial Review Committee: nYou are welcome to Email your portfolio electronically to CuratorialReview@aol.comn nPlease include:n 6 to 10 Jpeg images no larger than 1-megabyte (1024 kb) each, 300 dpin Title, Medium, and Dimensions of the artworkn Resume/ Curriculum Vitaen Artist’s Statementn Contact Information including Name, Address, Phone Number, E-mail, and Website (optional)n nOr, you are welcome to Mail your Portfolio:n 6 to 10 photographs, color copies, or CDs of your workn Resume/Curriculum Vitaen Artist’s Statementn Large Self-Addressed U.S. STAMPED Envelope (for return of portfolio)n nPlease include all Contact Information: Address, Phone Number, and Email & Web Site.n nKindly send this information to:n AMSTERDAM WHITNEY GALLERYn Curatorial Review Committeen 511 West 25th Street, Chelsean New York, NY 10001n nKindly submit your portfolio for curatorial review by: DECEMBER 20th, 2014. Amsterdam Whitney Gallery’s Curatorial Review Committee shall notify you within two weeks to inform you if you have been selected for Gallery Representation . (Please note that we extend the utmost precaution for the care of your portfolio, however, we are not responsible for any damage or loss to your submitted material, nor are we responsible for any damage or loss in the return shipping of your material.) n nPlease view AMSTERDAM WHITNEY GALLERY’s web site: to view ournprestigious VIP Art Collectors and elite luminaries who attended our Gala and Glamorous Champagne Reception on October 9th.n are also cordially invited to attend our next Gala and Glamorous Opening Champagne Reception nTHURSDAY, DECEMBER 18th from 6:00-8:00 pm.n nPlease visit our website: www.amsterdamwhitneygallery.comn nSending you “NYC-Chelsea Cheers”n nCordially Yours,n n nRuthie TuckernExecutive Director – CuratornnAmsterdam Whitney Galleryn511 West 25th Street, ChelseanNew York, NY 10001nph: (212) 255-9050nf: (212) 255-9020nAmsterdamWhitney@aol.comnwww.AmsterdamWhitneyGallery.comn nAMSTERDAM WHITNEY BLOGnART ACQUISITOR MAGAZINEnGALA CHAMPAGNE RECEPTIONSnnAUTHOR: Ruthie TuckernAUTHOR EMAIL: curatorialreview@aol.comnAUTHOR URL: http://www.amsterdamwhitneygallery.comnSUBJECT: Message from websitenIP: [1_Name] => Ruthie Tuckern [2_Email] => curatorialreview@aol.comn [3_Website] => www.amsterdamwhitneygallery.comn [4_Comment] => AMSTERDAM WHITNEYnInternational Fine Art, Inc.n511 West 25th Street, ChelseanNew York, NY 10001nPhone: 212-255-9050 Fax: 212-255-9020nwww.AmsterdamWhitneyGallery.comnAmsterdamWhitney@aol.comn nDecember 4, 2014nnDear Terry Admans,nnAMSTERDAM WHITNEY GALLERY, a premier, museum-forum gallery, also known as “the most beautiful gallery in Chelsea, NYC” – the unrivaled international art center of the world – would like to invite you to submit your Portfolio for Curatorial Review with a long-term prospective of Gallery Representation. Please note that AMSTERDAM WHITNEY GALLERY bears the name of my Husband’s distinguished family and represents the standard of excellence that his well known New York City family name offers.n nWe invite you to submit an ELECTRONIC PORTFOLIO to Amsterdam Whitney Gallery’s Curatorial Review Committee: nYou are welcome to Email your portfolio electronically to CuratorialReview@aol.comn nPlease include:n 6 to 10 Jpeg images no larger than 1-megabyte (1024 kb) each, 300 dpin Title, Medium, and Dimensions of the artworkn Resume/ Curriculum Vitaen Artist’s Statementn Contact Information including Name, Address, Phone Number, E-mail, and Website (optional)n nOr, you are welcome to Mail your Portfolio:n 6 to 10 photographs, color copies, or CDs of your workn Resume/Curriculum Vitaen Artist’s Statementn Large Self-Addressed U.S. STAMPED Envelope (for return of portfolio)n nPlease include all Contact Information: Address, Phone Number, and Email & Web Site.n nKindly send this information to:n AMSTERDAM WHITNEY GALLERYn Curatorial Review Committeen 511 West 25th Street, Chelsean New York, NY 10001n nKindly submit your portfolio for curatorial review by: DECEMBER 20th, 2014. Amsterdam Whitney Gallery’s Curatorial Review Committee shall notify you within two weeks to inform you if you have been selected for Gallery Representation . (Please note that we extend the utmost precaution for the care of your portfolio, however, we are not responsible for any damage or loss to your submitted material, nor are we responsible for any damage or loss in the return shipping of your material.) n nPlease view AMSTERDAM WHITNEY GALLERY’s web site: to view ournprestigious VIP Art Collectors and elite luminaries who attended our Gala and Glamorous Champagne Reception on October 9th.n are also cordially invited to attend our next Gala and Glamorous Opening Champagne Reception nTHURSDAY, DECEMBER 18th from 6:00-8:00 pm.n nPlease visit our website: www.amsterdamwhitneygallery.comn nSending you “NYC-Chelsea Cheers”n nCordially Yours,n n nRuthie TuckernExecutive Director – CuratornnAmsterdam Whitney Galleryn511 West 25th Street, ChelseanNew York, NY 10001nph: (212) 255-9050nf: (212) 255-9020nAmsterdamWhitney@aol.comnwww.AmsterdamWhitneyGallery.comn nAMSTERDAM WHITNEY BLOGnART ACQUISITOR MAGAZINEnGALA CHAMPAGNE RECEPTIONSn)n


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