Author: adams art

  • Reflections of a lessor God

    diana -1

    Looking up across the rim of the beer in his hand,  he saw, the reflection of a lesser God – Diana you Huntress,  who are looking at, for whom  that coquettish smile?

    Painted a few years ago and sure there are flaws but I still like it.

  • Three sister

    The Three Sisters of Glencoe

    brooding and mysterious cloaked in the soft sensuous veil of mist looking down on the the passGlencoe

    of past dark secrets  Oil on board

  • words hearing reality a new painting

    Words all around us, words on their own, words in sentences, word in paragraphs, chapters, tomes.

    – Nouns, verbs, adverbs, adjectives, pronouns, prepositions, conjunctives, interjections,words2

    – words with meaning, words with nonsense, clear ,we hear , obscure, translucent opaque

    -Words on the ground, in the air, words before us, behind, above ,below, to the left to the right each locked in the cubic isolation – symmetry

    – Words held in a net, a web a matrix of space.

    Ears open. Ah!  realization, life is like a library “so many words but nothing said”

    When young we scavenge, rummage and collect these words, eager to understand, sifting to make sense of our surroundings,

    With age, complacency – we think we heard it all before –  Filtering through the sieve of experience, melding, molding and manipulating,

    turning, tugging and twisting words to fit our perceived and self constructed reality.  comments please.

    Until another day fare well.

  • New images

    Just uploaded the contents of my present exhibition running in the Rothers hall in Glenrothes Fife Scotland.


    The purpose of this exhibition is to show the beauty that lies in the beach sand beneath your feet.

    30 beaches from Culross to Wormit are shown in part I

    30 b&W images of the beaches from where the samples were taken, in part II

  • Simple but pleasing I like it,

  • Thoughts confned

    Taken for granted simple things are often complex, made difficult through circumstances.

    Movement,  Thought, Understanding, Centred in our universes, we are confined.

    interlectual confines

    “I am trapped, confined in the matrix of my time, whilst thoughts orbit around the centre of I”





  • “Simplistic Complexity”

    “Evening Entrance to Cockburn Street  – Edinburgh”

     is the latest picture based on the concept of

    “Simplistic Complexity”

    A  concept has been distilling over a number of years now.

    entrance to cockburn street edinburgh
    “Evening Entrance To Cockburn Street”
    – Edingburgh

    This concept is on the premise that we use vertical line to make sense of our surroundings and to orientate.

    The colour information is distilled and the vertical lines added in high contrast.

    The concept grew out of a series of painting  called City Signatures which in turnt gave birth to

    Edinburgh cityscapes and finally “Evening Entrance to Cockburn Street = Edinburgh”   is the latest

    the journey continues.

    Does it have a presence ?

  • A visual experiment – dyslexia

    Dyslexia a disability – not just different but a disability

    – why? because:  “They say so –

    They insist that you need to conform to their perceived normality, they are the norm you are not.
    – Because you see things different and deviate from the norm you have a
    disability, you cannot just be different.

    The following simple visual experiment to permit  the “normal” the reader in experiencing the effect.


    The vowels have been allocated different colours.

    How easy did you find it to read?

     Did your reading slow down?

    Imagine having to do this every time you read a piece of text.

    Disability or enhanced ability – you decide.

  • Dyslexia, Art and the meaning of Life

    It has been suggested that the phenomena of dyslexia may be the next stage of human evolution; individuals who are gifted with the phenomena

    of dyslexia often see more than others.  At times they may read slower, but imagine if you had to decode every page first would it not slow down your reading?

    In the beginning was the word but there was always another element the spaces between the words, a hidden code, just like without silence there can be no music.

    Reading without the spaces i is just one big word-search, difficult to understand.  As an artist every written page, past present or future is a unique piece of art.

    This is the first piece that was created Hamlet In Dyslexia,

    Each dot represents a space whilst the dark flowing lines represented the “rivers” often experienced on a page sometimes static

    at other times skipping and dancing down the page.


    The next piece created focused on the vowels in a piece of poetry by T S Eliot each vowel allocated a colour.

    The aim here was to simulate the promotional effect that is sometimes experienced where certain letters

    seem to jump of the page whilst others seem to hide in the distance giving the text a 3D effect.


    The final piece in this post is Numeric Symphony in Red and is based on the effect that when you look at a table of numbers  they seem to come together

    and dance.Numeric Symphony in Red

    Curiously although this is based on numbers most viewers who have dyslexic traits can see the numbers

    quickly whilst those who have not the gift see dancing shapes.


    finally  I would like to leave you with a comment I heard or imagined cannot remember which :

    ” Dyslexia is frustrating, – Frustrating waiting for others to catch up”.

     That all for now, as usual look forward to hearing your views.