Category: Art of Terry Adams
Genesis a new vision
Since the aspect of Phi and Pi an awareness and recognition has developed that each page of written text has hidden a unique pattern an image of identity.
Extract of Genesis
An extract (a few words, and a sample of the larger work) from the beginning of Genesis is an attempt to demonstrate one example of a hidden patterns.
to my knowledge this has not been done before,
“Seduced, the Silence embraced the rhythm and danced a rhapsody divine”. my own words
words hearing reality a new painting
Words all around us, words on their own, words in sentences, word in paragraphs, chapters, tomes.
– Nouns, verbs, adverbs, adjectives, pronouns, prepositions, conjunctives, interjections,
– words with meaning, words with nonsense, clear ,we hear , obscure, translucent opaque
-Words on the ground, in the air, words before us, behind, above ,below, to the left to the right each locked in the cubic isolation – symmetry
– Words held in a net, a web a matrix of space.
Ears open. Ah! realization, life is like a library “so many words but nothing said”
When young we scavenge, rummage and collect these words, eager to understand, sifting to make sense of our surroundings,
With age, complacency – we think we heard it all before – Filtering through the sieve of experience, melding, molding and manipulating,
turning, tugging and twisting words to fit our perceived and self constructed reality. comments please.
Until another day fare well.
“Simplistic Complexity”
“Evening Entrance to Cockburn Street – Edinburgh”
is the latest picture based on the concept of
“Simplistic Complexity”
A concept has been distilling over a number of years now.
“Evening Entrance To Cockburn Street”
– EdingburghThis concept is on the premise that we use vertical line to make sense of our surroundings and to orientate.
The colour information is distilled and the vertical lines added in high contrast.
The concept grew out of a series of painting called City Signatures which in turnt gave birth to
Edinburgh cityscapes and finally “Evening Entrance to Cockburn Street = Edinburgh” is the latest
the journey continues.
Does it have a presence ?
A visual experiment – dyslexia
Dyslexia a disability – not just different but a disability
– why? because: “They say so –
They insist that you need to conform to their perceived normality, they are the norm you are not.
– Because you see things different and deviate from the norm you have a
disability, you cannot just be different.
The following simple visual experiment to permit the “normal” the reader in experiencing the effect.
The vowels have been allocated different colours.
How easy did you find it to read?
Did your reading slow down?
Imagine having to do this every time you read a piece of text.
Disability or enhanced ability – you decide.