New page added to my to web presence showing pictures for my forth coming exhibition.
New page added to my to web presence showing pictures for my forth coming exhibition.
Every morning someone from Brazil pops by and visits my blog I do not often have much to say but still the visit. I do not know who you are but I would like to say thank you it is always nice to visit.
South America is the home of a number of great visual artists, past and present, that are often over looked for their northern cousins, well I would like to share one of these artists site with you and anyone else who would like to see his outstanding work here is his web address thank you Eduardo for being my virtual friend in art. your work is always inspiring.
Please feel free to share if you have an South American artist that you like or find inspirational.
Till the next time be safe be lucky
Since the aspect of Phi and Pi an awareness and recognition has developed that each page of written text has hidden a unique pattern an image of identity.
An extract (a few words, and a sample of the larger work) from the beginning of Genesis is an attempt to demonstrate one example of a hidden patterns.
Words all around us, words on their own, words in sentences, word in paragraphs, chapters, tomes.
– Nouns, verbs, adverbs, adjectives, pronouns, prepositions, conjunctives, interjections,
– words with meaning, words with nonsense, clear ,we hear , obscure, translucent opaque
-Words on the ground, in the air, words before us, behind, above ,below, to the left to the right each locked in the cubic isolation – symmetry
– Words held in a net, a web a matrix of space.
Ears open. Ah! realization, life is like a library “so many words but nothing said”
When young we scavenge, rummage and collect these words, eager to understand, sifting to make sense of our surroundings,
With age, complacency – we think we heard it all before – Filtering through the sieve of experience, melding, molding and manipulating,
turning, tugging and twisting words to fit our perceived and self constructed reality. comments please.
Until another day fare well.