Tag: conceptual

  • stranger around the corner

    Sometime images just appear like a stranger before you

    beyond the red door

    here as the background was being created the image appeared.

  • Missing Range

    Sometime that which is not said creates more of an impact

    no table mountain1

    There is a stillness even in the confusion

  • Latest creation.

    This is my latest creation I haven’t got a name for it, are there any suggestions?

    What I wanted to attempt with this piece is to get the central cube to hover.

    latest cubesmall

    I have always been drawn towards designs and images that play with the perception of space within my mind.

    When I wore a younger mans clothes  I remember I visited the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam

    there I saw an unassuming work of art. Remarkable in the fact

    that when you walked past it, it gave the illusion

    that there was a fly in the room.

    The artist and the title have long since passed out of mind

    but the image has stayed with me a truly powerful experience.

    As I walk down this path called life I oft heard

    it said that that artist or that piece of work

    was to me so spiritual and moving.  Am I blind, why has nothing moved me so, setting up a vibration of understanding

    and appreciation?

    I can appreciate technical ability

    I can appreciate the energy and effort to compile the work,

    I can appreciate that it is clever,

    I can comprehend the technical nuances

    and yet sometime I find it difficult to engage emotionally

    that is until  I came across the outstanding work

    of Fred Sandbach August 29, 1943 – June 23, 2003

    a minimalist that really altered the space within my head

    .all with little pieces of wool

    if you do not know this artist work check him out.

    Some of his work can be seen here


  • words hearing reality a new painting

    Words all around us, words on their own, words in sentences, word in paragraphs, chapters, tomes.

    – Nouns, verbs, adverbs, adjectives, pronouns, prepositions, conjunctives, interjections,words2

    – words with meaning, words with nonsense, clear ,we hear , obscure, translucent opaque

    -Words on the ground, in the air, words before us, behind, above ,below, to the left to the right each locked in the cubic isolation – symmetry

    – Words held in a net, a web a matrix of space.

    Ears open. Ah!  realization, life is like a library “so many words but nothing said”

    When young we scavenge, rummage and collect these words, eager to understand, sifting to make sense of our surroundings,

    With age, complacency – we think we heard it all before –  Filtering through the sieve of experience, melding, molding and manipulating,

    turning, tugging and twisting words to fit our perceived and self constructed reality.  comments please.

    Until another day fare well.

  • Thoughts confned

    Taken for granted simple things are often complex, made difficult through circumstances.

    Movement,  Thought, Understanding, Centred in our universes, we are confined.

    interlectual confines

    “I am trapped, confined in the matrix of my time, whilst thoughts orbit around the centre of I”





  • A visual experiment – dyslexia

    Dyslexia a disability – not just different but a disability

    – why? because:  “They say so –

    They insist that you need to conform to their perceived normality, they are the norm you are not.
    – Because you see things different and deviate from the norm you have a
    disability, you cannot just be different.

    The following simple visual experiment to permit  the “normal” the reader in experiencing the effect.


    The vowels have been allocated different colours.

    How easy did you find it to read?

     Did your reading slow down?

    Imagine having to do this every time you read a piece of text.

    Disability or enhanced ability – you decide.

  • Aspects of Pi and Phi


    Oh! faithful servant of nature, art and life

    You are loved

    and so a gift

          immortality in design .

    Thank you, Pi for your patience.

    Image of Aspect pf Pi

    Does the gift please ?