Words all around us, words on their own, words in sentences, word in paragraphs, chapters, tomes.nn- Nouns, verbs, adverbs, adjectives, pronouns, prepositions, conjunctives, interjections,nn- words with meaning, words with nonsense, clear ,we hear , obscure, translucent opaquenn-Words on the ground, in the air, words before us, behind, above ,below, to the left to the right each locked in the cubic isolation – symmetrynn- Words held in a net, a web a matrix of space.nnEars open. Ah! realization, life is like a library “so many words but nothing said”nnWhen young we scavenge, rummage and collect these words, eager to understand, sifting to make sense of our surroundings,nnWith age, complacency – we think we heard it all before – Filtering through the sieve of experience, melding, molding and manipulating,nnturning, tugging and twisting words to fit our perceived and self constructed reality. comments please.nnUntil another day fare well.
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