Tag: abstract art

  • Pansy on the Breakwater

    Whilst walking along the beach in Jersey, I was captivated by the tiny clump of pansies growing in a gap between the rocks of the breakwater. It reminded me that even in the most inhospitable conditions, beauty can be found if one opens one’s eyes and looks. Oil on board

  • The Strength of Africa

    I thought I would post another picture for all those that like cats and art entitled the Strength of Africa it is acrylic on 24 carat gold leaf covered board.



    love to hear your thoughts about this rendition. enjoy.
  • After the dance (painting)

    A painting capturing the early morning walk across the beach after an evening of dancing

    After the dance.jpg
  • Whisper along the Forth #1

    Painting in acrylic capturing one of those rare simple moments when the sky whispers thoughts to those that listen.

    whispers along the forth1 copy

  • Dyslexia – second image from a past exhibition.

    Not all dyslexia is the same whilst in consultation some people said that when reading certain letters seem to promote themselves whilst

    others sink into the background.This was the thinking behind this piece of work.

    lovesonbgcomputer generated

     The following piece of poetry ,T.S.Eliots Lovesong of J.Alfred Prufock,  was randomly selected

    as a starting point

    LOVESONGplain words

    These word were then modified to demonstrate to those without dyslexic tendencies what it would be like to actually cope with this phenomenon


    Finally the the black letters were removed a each letter converted into a coloured square to reveal the hidden pattern within the selected passage.

    Vowels in Dyslexia
    Vowels in Dyslexia

     original, created with ruling pen and acrylic paint

    image .size 15″ x 19″ (381mm x 483 mm)

    I have long been attracted to hidden shapes and patterns that exist all around us.

    If you think that this may be of interest to someone please share.

  • Dyslexia painting explained “Numeric Symphony in Red”

    The following comment has often been asked,of me

    “Although I appreciate and like the visual impression and impact that your dyslexia images on me,  I do not have dyslexia tendencies and simply do not understand them could you please explain what they are about.” 

    Whilst there is an argument that art does not need to mean anything, it simply exists in its own space and time, fulfilling it’s own unique identity, I recognize the need of individuals to classify and understand, with this in mind I aim to in the next few posts to explain some of the thinking behind each Piece Todays featured piece is,  one of my favorite pieces from my  exhibition held during Dyslexia awareness week   ” Numeric symphony in Red”

    Numeric Symphony in Red
    Numeric Symphony in Red

    Whilst researching and developing the ideas behind these pieces for the exhibition I happened to be speaking to a University lecturer, and friend of mine  who happened to mentioned that whilst  he does not have issues with letters but he does with Number. So much so that when he looks at a numbers in tabular form the come together and start to dance before his eyes.

    Numeric symphony in Red is an attempt to replicate this phenomenon .

    In this piece the number 01-99 are represented in tabular form. Each number was vertically dissected and  back half of the number joined front  half of the next number. Creating numeric  couples coming together as if in dance. Interestingly enough people with dyslexic tendencies seem to see the number immediately without explanation.

    I am rather pleased with the effect  whilst the The dark areas represent  the negative spaces between each set of dancing numbers they seem to impart an primeval harmony to the piece.

    If this piece stimulates any questions or requires any further information or explanation please ask away.

  • Reflections on Iona

    Sharing my latest Daub

    “Reflections on Iona”  Acrylic on board approx 24″ sq.

    Reflections on Iona
    Reflections on Iona

  • Shadows

    Sometime even shadows are confusing here is one I took, one moment in time or was it yesterday perhaps.
